Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Systematic Torture

I joined a gym near my office over a year ago. I've gone there to work out precisely three times. You don't want to know what that works out to in $ spent per visit. I've been keeping the membership current so that I have a place to shower when I move to the new house this spring, knowing I will not have the luxury of indoor plumbing for some time. But I'm well and truly tired of being a fat ass. So I decided to spend still more money to hire a personal trainer at said gym. I like her basically, but not at 6 o'fucking clock in the morning. I don't like anybody at 6AM, especially myself. I like me even less at 4AM, when sheer willpower is almost not enough to get me out of my cozy warm bed and out the door to pay for the privilege of being systematically tortured. Military school was easier than this. I want to be 17 again, and effortlessly svelte.

Reasons to quit; not getting up at o'dark thirty, procrastination is immediate gratification, really not a masochist, save the money, avoid seeing myself in gym's full-length wall-to-wall mirrors, to say nothing of the locker room.

Reasons to keep going; justification to buy new (smaller) summer clothes, of all the things I've lost I miss my waist the most, make it easier for my aged gelding to tote me around, get strong enough to start my blind mare under saddle without flopping to the ground the first time she scoots or spins, need muscles to build my new fencing, no longer walk miles in the course of a workday so must increase caloric output elsewhere, stop avoiding cameras, I miss my cheekbones and jawline, etc.

So I went. So I shall go again. And because she'll never read this: Patty, personal trainer extraordinaire; you're mean.


  1. I bet she's perky, too. Perky and mean at 6am, what an obnoxious combination. But keep going, you'll be glad you did when you're sashaying around this summer, all svelte and energetic. You are motivating me, somewhat. Ever since I stopped riding everyday, the body has gone to hell in a handcart and starvation just isn't that enticing. What's a girl to do?

  2. OMG she is ridiculously perky! And she's not mean, really, just accustomed to people like me :) Why did you stop riding daily? Mind you, I haven't ridden in months...

  3. Good for you. I just finished a bowl of Doritos while I peruse the interwebs. I need it to stop freaking raining so that I can be outside. I couldn't do the gym, or the perkiness.
    Seriously, you're my hero right now. :-)

  4. I'm going to do a post on my girl. It has to do with her diagnosis, which we have licked and my diagnosis (big time early onset osteoperosis) which doesn't allow me to be thrown. How can you ride if you can't be thrown?

    I will say this, I think Miss Kitt is so special. She looks out for me and knows when I'm upset. She's spoiled me for other horses. I'll explain all in detail later. When I do, I'd like all of you with horses to chime in on whether her behavior is special or not.

  5. I read something recently;

    Hard work pays off in the future, laziness pays off now.

    Or something like that.

    I had a personal trainer many years ago. She made me hurt in places that are supposed to only be for fun. I hated her.

  6. Thanks for your nice comment, I told them to publish it, but it went off somewhere in the blogosphere.

  7. Yes yes and more yes. I have 20 post-bbay pounds to drop. Oh, 17, how I took you for granted.

  8. I had a gym membership for awhile. Used it about as much as you used yours. The first day I had a tour with a PT and her attitude was too uppity for me not that all PTs are that way but I finally did quit the gym and I think it was really based in that one bad experience with the PT. I imagine her attitude would have been much better if it wasn't a free tour and she was getting paid.

    Hope you get your waist back. I know I'd like to see mine again but I'll have to find another way to do it.

  9. I go to the Holyoke YMCA for 'bootcamp' three times a week, and I swear that our instructor is part velociraptor. I mean that in a good way.

    So glad to have found your blog.

  10. Holyoke, I'm glad you found my blog too! I admire the heck out of your project. I will start posting again here soon, I promise.
