Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Right now, in the Underground Lair...

I have a fairly big sofa. I also have three small dogs. Somehow, three pomeranians (collectively known as the muppets), with a combined weight of no more than 35 pounds, have me neatly confined to one corner of it. And I soon as I get up they try to take that too. I am typing with my left wing clipped by the arm of the sofa, and my right elbow resting on the back of Willow. Her muppet name is Miss Piggy. Wylie, muppet name Gonzo, is making himself as large as his fluff can on the other end. Midgie, muppet name Animal (or sometimes Beaker, but usually Animal), is actually behind me, sprawled across the back of the couch while resting his cute little chin on my shoulder. I think he's spying on my web-surfing habits. He'll be pissed if he sees me on Petfinder looking at Poms that are waiting to be adopted. He likes being the baby and has no desire for a new sibling.

Speaking of babies, Pepper is growing up quite nicely!

Sucks to have to sell her. Maybe I won't. I paid the stupid tax and bought a Mega-Millions ticket tonight. You can't lose if you don't play! If I don't lose I'll be sure to post it here first. Ha.


  1. Good luck with that mega millions ticket. I always have to buy one when the prize gets up there. I'm lucky if I get 1 number. Never had any kind of winner but boy it's fun to dream about what I'd do with one of those big hummers!

  2. Thanks! No luck with that one but bought a Powerball for tonight...if I hit I'll buy one of your arabs, they're lovely! My first horse was an arabian, Ver-Tan Permoniet++ I miss him so.

  3. yeah, so reading your description of hanging out with three dogs on a couch? my version of hell. You want one more dog? You know you can have her right??? You good with needles??

  4. Darcalotta
    Your muppet names are pretty accurate for the doggie gang - I just wish Midgie was more "Kermie" and less "Animal". Ask the vet for some chill pills for that vicious beastie.

    I haven't hung out on your sof in a long time -

    p.s. i guess if you won the lottery i woulda heard by now, huh?


  5. @dac - Midgie and I are going to Bob the trainer tomorrow night so he can learn how to get over his bad self and accept Luna. Wish me luck.

    @crissy - I just got another puppy, Luna. Love and kisses to Miss Olive ;) Poor pincushion!
