Sunday, December 12, 2010


Pouring down raining sideways day. Need raincoat to do horse chores (horses are finally home, post forthcoming, I keep forgetting to take pictures for illustrative purposes). Leave dry warm mudroom apartment for main house, where aforementioned raincoat has been left due to lack of motivation to hang proper coatrack in mudroom. Notice basement lights left on. Go down to basement to turn lights off. Notice water dripping onto basement floor, from ceiling. Quickly put two and two together, arrive at four. Return to first floor to assess damage. Laugh out loud due to irony of drip from second to first floor impacting dead-center on a book titled "Dry" (awesome book, btw, by Augusten Burroughs - highly recommend anything and everything he's written. His brother's not bad either). Rescue piles (plural) of books from deluge, hope they freeze tomorrow until I can dry them out proper, like maybe in the spring. Continue past second floor, also soaked but bereft of belongings, to attic. Laugh out loud due to irony of line of empty buckets under recently repaired and therefore no longer leaking roof at back of house while water pours unabated through leak in roof at front of house. Spew forth vile invective at self's procrastinating tendencies okay long-term behaviour pattern. Move buckets.

Proceed back downstairs. Dial headquarters to inform answering parental unit of new leak newsflash. Sperm donor answers. Inform sperm donor his roof is leaking. Download less succinct, more profane version of prior paragraph. Best he can come up with is "okay, well, we'll clean it up", to which I retort "actually, I was thinking more along the lines of FIXING IT". "okay, I'll tell your mother". Perfect. Thanks for that.

Hang up. Curse day surfed equinesite real-estate ads. Don raincoat, head out into storm to do horse chores. Question sanity. Briefly consider selling farm, re-homing animal collection, quitting day job and assuming new identity. Decide not tonight, maybe tomorrow.


  1. Well maybe the third time's the charm. I have written theis fricken thing twice, but google won't let me publish it. Ok. Here's what I want to say. In times like this it's good to remember the sign that Lincoln had on his desk, "And this too shall pass." Mercury is retrograde, and I don't know whatever else is going on, but everyone is having a crappy time. Hang in there. We on the east coast have two lousy months and then the light changes. When you get spring light, life looks better. Hang in there, and this too shall pass.

  2. Seriously, it's been a crappy month thus far. Why called sperm donor? Yikes!

  3. I like to refer to my parents as my egg and sperm donors, mostly because they don't find it amusing and I do. I also call them "the Creators" but that puts them on a little too much of a pedestal, I think.
