Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Finally posting about you, so now you can be happily enraged, Ms. gajillion stat hits a day.

To my regular readers, I apologize in advance for this diversion. Regularly scheduled blog programming will resume shortly. In the meantime, perhaps this will clarify why I haven't updated lately, just when actual progress is being made around the farm.

Dear girlfriend of the man I am not fucking (although at this point I might as well start - if I'm dealing with the bullshit I might as well have some fun),

You are everything I have spent my entire life deliberately not becoming. You have nothing to offer the world other than your vagina. Why are you so surprised to learn that a vagina is not enough to keep a man to keep you? Furthermore, no matter how hard you try to make it, 2+2 will never equal 5, yet 5 is the answer you keep arriving at about he and I. Some fine day, you will come to the realization that you single-handedly destroyed your relationship. Over absolutely nothing.

Oh, and big liberal props (NOT!) for the fact that you publicly declare yourself a "straight ally" of national coming out day, yet insult you direct at me is "frankendike". Now I'm all kinds of confused. Am I gay, or am I fucking your man? Because the two are mutually exclusive. And it should, but obviously doesn't, go without saying that if you are in fact a straight ally, you should not be using homosexual slurs as insults. Gay Rights 101.

Here are a few handy hints for a better probability of success (marriage, as defined by you), in your next relationship:

1) Avoid calling him nasty names, cursing him out, and other repeated put-downs in front of people. That way, when he initially confides his unhappiness in the relationship, the next wrongly accused other woman ('cause god knows it could never be your fault), will be less sympathetic and far more surprised. In fact, avoid name-calling in general, it's juvenile.

2) Have a job, or better yet, a career. Leeching off men is not sexy.

3) Men love their mothers. If you can't genuinely like the woman, at least suck up your senseless venom and be polite.

4) Men love their children from their prior marriages. Don't piss them off either.

5) Fachrissake, having a(nother) kid is not going to net you a trip to the altar. If it didn't work the 1st time, and it didn't work the 2nd time, I guaran-goddamn-tee it won't work a 3rd time.

6) If you do make a(nother) kid, show a genuine interest in the little (s)pawn. Spend time with it. Interact with it. Kids like that.

7) Porn is not sexy. Feminism 101.

8) Jealousy is not attractive. Nor is envy, nor is need. Confidence is (case in point=me!). Relationship 101.

9) Drugs are not sexy. If you can't deal with your current reality, either change it or get a proper prescription, there's no shame in that. And if you do get a prescription, don't abuse it (I'd like to give a big shout-out here to my ex-fiance). If you're not happy with yourself, you'll never be able to make anybody else happy.

10) If you really hate men, do everyone a favor and avoid them. You can't change them. If you genuinely liked them, you wouldn't want to try.

Hope this helps you in your future relationship endeavors!!!!


  1. OMG what on earth is going on. You poor thing. I'm not sure about any of this, but I'm here for you. I hope you get the evil one sorted out. If she is reading this, whatever on earth you are up to, you won't get you want. Oh those poor children. Can social services do anything about this? Keep us up to date and don't let that junkie, pervert, weirdo, bad mother get you down. There are a lot of us backing you up.

  2. Thanks Maia! I find I've become a scapegoat for someone who is not a happy or good person. The kind who will not accept responsibility for her own problems. Therefore, it must be my fault. First I tried being reasonable and communicating openly with her, and that didn't work. Then I tried ignoring her and of course that didn't work. So now my bullshit tolerance, low to begin with, has reached maximum capacity. Glad you're back with us in blogland!

  3. i just found your blog. i am loving it, and enjoying learning little snippets about you and your life as i go through the archives. the quote you have in your profile is one of my favorites! i have a poster of it on my ceiling above my bed.

  4. Hi Terrie, thanks for stopping by and thanks for your kind words! I am trying to update more, so please do visit again soon. I took a quick peek at your place and like it, and I notice we have some bloggy friends in common as well. I'll visit you again soon when I have more time to read through.

  5. Damn straight. Love this post, hope all is calming down on that front... drama just sucks.

    When I'm finished w/ school, we will have to get together with as many Con sisters we can gather, 'K?


  6. Movie, A Con sister reunion sounds fabulous! Let's make it happen!

  7. Hiya,

    Just popped over to see your blog, after you wrote such a nice comment on mine - and I have to say, you had me at 'Dear girlfriend of the man I am not fucking'....

    Quite impossible not to continue reading.

    I'll be going through the archive....

  8. Carolinefo - Thanks for clicking on over, and thanks for staying awhile! I am trying to blog more, I really enjoy it when I do.
