Monday, September 6, 2010

I Might be a Redneck

Since April I've been living in a 29ft camper, parked behind my ginormous but completely gutted house. With five (yep, count 'em, 5, fem, cinco, cinq) dogs. But they're all little fluffy yappy things, so all together they don't even add up to one, say, german shepherd. Two of them are puppies and I have the half-eaten slippers to prove it. They're on my feet still, but could now accurately be described as "open-toe". I used to get a new pair every year from my ex's parents for xmas. LL Beaners, no less. Super-comfy. Anyhoo.

If you can rotate the tires on your house you might be a redneck. And while it's been fun to describe myself as trailer trash, and a great experiment in minimalist living, enough is enough already. Here's the visual:

Note that these pictures were taken when I looked at it, well before I moved in. Setting it up at the house involved things, such as cinder blocks and that cheap green wire dog fencing, that make it tres white trash. It's pretty awesome really. As an extra-special touch, I sometimes hang rugs to air on the cheap green wire dog fencing. My neighbors must hate me, because the view from their stately, columned front porch is my campsite extraodinaire. The only thing missing is a firepit, and if I had the time I probably would have one.

There will be no after pictures, so don't ask unless you're interested in buying it. Didn't think so.

So what's a girl to do with not enough money and too much house and winter looming? Why, you make the mudroom into a studio apartment, of course! Pics and details to come soon, and I move in 10 days from now, but who's counting?


  1. Hey girlfriend, I think you were wonderful. How many of us could have lived that spartan existence. Looking forward to seeing your mudroom apartment.

    PS: I want to see shots of the dogs.

  2. Wow!!!! Can't wait to see the mudroom!

  3. Darc
    I've had a bit more than 'fleeting suspicions' that you inherited the redneck gene. Don't worry, you wear it well. Looking fwd to the mudroom tour 2010.

  4. That camper is as cozy as my house. I live in less than 1000sq ft w/ the danger boy... I think the mudroom will be a nice fit for you.
